Prayer Pivot Pro-Life Unity

§ Join The Worldwide Prayer Pivot


§ Links

§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to email us and we will send you the Action Code & sign you up as a member of Pro-Life Unity. Your site will be listed on the Members page

Sign up to pray


§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Volunteer Form

Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you


Ephesians 2:6,7 Stand Firm.  Stand Your Ground.

Thought/Prayer:  Topics:  2 at end

“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.  Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.”

If we’re standing firm, standing our ground, we must have feet firmly planted as though rooted to the ground.  God tells us that we will be thusly standing even after the battle.  Of course, in order to be in this stance after the battle, we must have taken that stance before the battle began.  Col. 2:6, 7 tell us, “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.  Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.”  And who can uproot us from this firmest planting on terra firma?  No one!

Pray today that pro-life people will get as close to Jesus as possible, thus assuring a great network of roots ready to stand ground.

Topics:  Pray that God will convict all of us standing for LIFE to draw close to Him.
Pray for all prayer groups meeting this week, that pro-life issues may be brought up for prayer.

Posted by Gail Richardson on 05/26 at 04:52 AM
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