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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New WND column, “Pastors revolt against the IRS”


On Sunday, Sept. 28, the Alliance Defense Fund is
planning a nationwide pastors' revolt to challenge an IRS tax code that has muzzled churches and pastors from expressing opinions on political candidates for over 50 years.

Challenged will be a 1954 change in the code called the Johnson Amendment, after then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson.

Johnson proposed the amendment to silence opponents to his second Senate race. Two nonprofit foundations were pouring money into a publicity campaign calling Johnson soft on communism.

There is no legislative history for the Johnson Amendment. According to the scant Senate record, then-Democrat Minority Leader Johnson stood up on the floor and proposed it as an attachment to an existing bill. After Johnson said the bill sponsor was in agreement, the presiding officer simply called for a voice vote. There was no debate....

ADF will challenge one specific part of the code....

On Sept. 28, approximately 50 pastors the ADF has chosen from volunteers nationwide will preach sermons to provoke the IRS on this point. This would immediately invoke a lawsuit that would find its way to the U.S. Supreme Court....

Continue reading my column today, "Revolt of the pastors," on WorldNetDaily.com.

Posted by Jill Stanek on 05/28 at 05:38 PM
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