How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

Anne Frank

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Yoest Management Training


FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



§ Volunteer Form

Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you

§ Events



§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to email us and we will send you the Action Code & sign you up as a member of Pro-Life Unity. Your site will be listed on the Members page

§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Logo

Use this logo on your website as a link to






NPR Recorded and Played an Execution

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Youth Conference 10th May 2013


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A Young generation in Africa

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Posted by News Hound

Last day - only $200 needed for pro-life Uganda effort

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Posted by Turnstile
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National Life Chain Today!!!

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Teen Defenders International Youth Leadership Award

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Lia Mills invites you to the International Walk for Life!

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What others are saying about the International Walk for Life

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Iowa lawmakers take up abortion fight; Omaha announces location for new clinic

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Defend the United State Declaration of Independence


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Young, motivated, and Pro-Life Speaker from Iowa.

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Notre Dame 88 protester ready to choose family over fighting in court

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‘Roe’ in abortion case kicks off campaign in Severn

Norma McCorvey sparked a landmark Supreme Court decision that states cannot restrict a woman's access to abortion.

On Saturday morning she will join controversial abortion rights foe Randall Terry at a Severn church nearly 36 years after Roe v. Wade, to help kick off a 40-day anti-abortion campaign.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama will address America’s..

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September 19, 2009 - Wash for Life, a national event

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SD doctors must say abortion ends life

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‘Jane Roe’ Arrested at Supreme Court Hearing

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Ghana - Medical authorities advised to perform emergency abortion

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More Pregnant girls wrote their BECE this year at Ghana !!!

For a girl to write the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) with a pot-belly in front of her is not a sin against the gods. It is also pretty legal as it is not against the constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

You can be nine months pregnant and go into the examination hall as your colleagues give you a rousing welcome and thumbs up. You need it under the circumstances.

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Posted by Turnstile
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