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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Busy Cold Morning at Tillers

Dramatic Turn-around at Tiller Late-term Abortion facilityimage

The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631     PHONE: (316) 522-8866     FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:      Mark S. Gietzen
  Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Shift Start: Shift End:
7:30 AM 8:00 AM
  TURN-AROUND; Mark S. Gietzen:

At about 7:35 am, two young black ladies came into Tillers, driving slowly on the ice, while I was drilling holes in the frozen ground to set some Crosses along the curb, on both sides of Tiller’s driveway.

Upon seeing them approach, I attempted to hand them some literature. They stopped on Tiller’s driveway, but did not roll down the window to accept the literature.

Speaking through the closed window, on the passenger side, I asked them not to kill the baby. The lady on the passenger side just looked at me with a sad look on her face. I told her that if she killed her baby, that she would regret it for the rest of her life.

They went slowly on into Tiller’s parking lot, and I assumed that they went into Tiller’s building, but they may not have.

In either case, about ten minutes later, they slowly drove back out, going slower than was necessary for caution on the ice.

This time, they stopped on Tiller’s driveway, and the driver rolled down her window, and indicated that she wanted the literature that they had declined just a few minutes previous. She immediately began reading the printed material when I handed it to her.

When the driver opened her window, I could see that she had been crying. She had tears running down both sides of her nose.

She was an exceptionally beautiful, light-complicated black girl, with dark orange hair, in her early or middle 20’s. She was attractively dressed, like a college student, or an office worker.

I asked which one was pregnant, and the one on the passenger side pointed to the driver.

I asked her if she knew that she would never be the same if she killed her baby? She nodded in the affirmative.

I invited her to come over to Choices Medical Clinic. She started to speak, but was too filled with emotion to find her voice. However, she was willing to listen to me, nodding her head, rather than saying anything …tears flowing freely.

I told her that Choices Medical Clinic will offer real help for her, regardless of what her situation is, but she declined to go to Choices.

They left slowly, northbound on Bleckley, after Janet Spear, a ProLife volunteer from Alabama drove by in her miniature-truth-truck, a small pickup truck with aborted baby signs bolted on all sides of the truck.

Unfortunately, I forgot to look at the license plate as they left, but I know that it was either Kansas, or Oklahoma, as those were the only two states represented in Tiller’s parking lot at the time they left.


Moments after the black ladies left, a young Hispanic guy came out, and he also stopped on Tiller’s driveway to talk. He also accepted literature. He was driving a car with Kansas tags.

He spoke first, saying; “I just want you to know, I have done everything I can to stop her from aborting our baby, but she won’t listen to me!”

I encouraged him to go back in and bring her out. I warned him that his child’s life was at stake! But he lacked the courage to go back in.

We talked until Tiller’s Security Guard, Carl Sweeny came out and demanded that he leave.

It was apparent from the interaction between the Hispanic guy and Sweeny, that he had been asked, or forced, to leave Tiller’s building.

When he left, he said that he was going to a church to pray!

I said; “Not now! …you have to go in and get her out of there NOW!

He declined and left northbound. He and his wife have three children already, and are now having the forth one killed.

(I hope that he prayed for courage to do the right thing, because he seemed to have a defeated attitude.) 

Posted by Mark S. Gietzen on 01/24 at 10:50 PM
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