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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

President Obama, how do you reconcile your “audacity of hope” with the hopelessness of abortion?

Click here to read this article at ProLifeNews.tv

By Dawn Elizabeth Slike - Jul 28th, 2008 at 11:09 pm EDT
Senator Obama:

I am perplexed. 3600 American babies die daily at the hands of abortionists. You are in favor of the so-called right to choose to have one’s unborn child killed. How can the “right to choose”, which is perceived by many (perhaps even you) as a right to self-determination, be reconciled with “hope” ?

Think about it, Senator Obama. How can you preach hope and fail to recognize the inconsistency? Having one’s own child killed by abortion is an action about as hopeless as one can commit. I would be curious to see how you bring your message of hope to someone who is suffering with post-abortion regret.

The mother who decides to end the life of her child, the abortionist who carries out this gruesome misdeed, the legislator who supports this practice with his or her votes: all of these people have a disconnect in their minds and hearts between perceived autonomous decision making (which deprives their children, not themselves, of the right to continue living) and authentic hope. I’m truly perplexed. How, sir, do you reconcile the irreconcilable? How can you preach a rhetoric of hope and promote the right to kill in the same campaign?

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, Senator Obama. I really don’t think you are being hypocritical. I think you are genuinely confused.

Unborn American children are simply American children who haven’t left the womb yet. Pro-life people get that. It is too bad you don’t. Children are dying because people like you simply aren’t getting it.

3600 American babies per day die in abortion facilities. I would say this crisis alone is a sobering demonstration that hope is being flushed down the drain, the very life blood of hope itself flushed down into the metropolitan sewers of “freedom of choice” America. Show me the hope in the spilled blood of innocent children who might have grown up, been given the chance they deserve, to become outstanding American citizens.

You will not be able to show me the hope in this practice, because you cannot. Hope is not here.
We cannot ignore the “choice” industry forever.

Posted by Turnstile on 08/12 at 12:39 PM
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