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FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



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Terri’s Fate: Prelude to Obamacare


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Arizona’s ban on racial and sex-selective abortion

PHOENIX, Arizona, March 31, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Pro-life Republican Governor Jan Brewer has signed into law Arizona’s ban on racial and sex-selective abortion, a law which is a national first. Lawmakers are also sending to the governor another bill that bans “telemed” abortions as part of an expanded informed consent law.
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Posted by News Hound

No more abortion coverage in South Carolina

COLUMBIA, South Carolina, March 30, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Lawmakers in South Carolina’s House of Representatives have passed a new freedom of conscience bill that both prohibits insurance companies in the state from paying for elective abortions and prevents health care providers from being punished for refusing to violate their pro-life beliefs.
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I Timothy 2:1-4 (Pt. 5)  Thought/Prayer: Why Pray for State Boards of Education?  Topics: 2 at end.

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Dead babies used for food flavoring

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Posted by News Hound

Killing the unborn is never the answer

March 29, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A group of 78 Argentinean obstetricians and gynecologists have signed a public declaration in favor of the right to life and against proposed legislation to legalize the killing of the unborn in their country, basing their position on the science of human development.
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Posted by News Hound

I Peter 2:2, 3 (Pt. 2)  Thought/Prayer:  Two Types Tasting.  Topics:  2 at end.

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Virginia abortion mill regulation creates safer environment for women to kill their children

Today, Governor McDonnell signed a bill that will require abortion facilities to create safer environments for women to kill their children.

Yes, that sounds harsh, but let's face it, ripping a baby from the womb of her mother isn't a walk in the park.

I understand why we fight for bills like this, I'm just frustrated that we think we have to challenge abortion, the intentional killing of God's children, our brothers & sisters, this way.

I'm frustrated at our "conservative" leadership and organizations who do nothing to call out the masses to stop abortion. There seems to be one long fundraiser with them calling for us to support them so that they can stand up against the evil ones.

God forbid Christians do just a little bit more.

I'm frustrated with our church leadership who is more afraid to lose parishioners than to tell them the truth. Because of the silence of the church, millions of men and women in their congregations have and will suffer the consequences of killing their children, including depression, suicide, anxiety, cancer divorce and more.

I'm frustrated at "conservative" media using "conservative" issues to pad their pockets with millions of dollars, while doing zip, zero, nada to end abortion. They pick the topic of the day, occasionally throwing the bone of abortion to us & run with their rants as millions of people tune them in so we can nod like bobble-heads & say "Wow, they are so right!"

I'm frustrated at our politicians who battle abortion, the intentional killing of babies in the womb, as if it were just another political topic.

I'm frustrated at us, that we can't organize and really jam the streets of this country and put an end to what we know is intentional murder of innocent babies.

Speaking in defense of his Libyan war, President obama said tonight "as President I refuse to wait for images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action."

It's too bad he's pro-abortion and is the most pro-abortion president the world has ever seen. I believe if he were pro-life, he would have ended abortion. Liberals have the stones to do what it takes, to get things done. They aren't afraid of public opinion. They only use polls to get themselves elected. Once they're in, they manipulate the people like puppeteers & do what they want.

President Bush said America's heart wasn't ready to end abortion. The problem is Mr. President, you were our leader, and if you would have led, America would have followed.

It is time to end abortion. It is time for us to give it all we've got and not let up until this is done. Since Obama has been elected, cloning has been federally funded, embryonic stem cell research has been funded, international abortions are funded and abortions in the military will be federally funded. Obama is the most dangerous man to the unborn the world has ever seen. But I gotta hand it to him, he may be one of the most vile men the world has ever known, he does what he sets out to do.

Tell everyone you know, if they don't do something to end abortion, they are pro-abortion. Let's not sugar-coat this issue and let's not let our friends and family hide behind the line "I'm pro-life." Words mean nothing without action. They aren't worth the paper they're written on.

We will see if this bill closes "17 out of 21" abortion mills like the pro-aborts say it will. We will see if it actually lowers the number of abortions in Virginia. I pray it does, but I know abortion is like a balloon. Squeeze it in one place & it just bulges out in another. The number of abortion mills has dropped by more than half in America, yet over 1.2 million people are still killed in the womb every year, 43 million around the world.

Think of it this way. What if rape were made legal? Would we have rape centers so that it could be done "safely"? Would we make sure that those rape centers were clean so that the women wouldn't catch an infection while being raped?

"That is an insane and absurd premise!" You shout at me.

I say to you, it is absurd that we allow our children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and fellow human beings to be executed in the womb in such a brutal manner!

It's time to say NO to the liberals, the so-called "progressives". It's time to stop abortions, not the funding of abortion.

Friends, the devil has put human beings in a fog all around the world. He has been slaughtering billions of people without us rising up to stop him. We are afraid to call him who he is and we are hesitant to stand for our Lord, Jesus Christ, and demand and end to this!

How about you? Are you afraid, or is your God bigger than your fear?

If you aren't already, get involved today, and tell everyone you know that it's time to Stop Abortion Now, Everywhere! (SANE)

Peter Shinn
Pro-Life Unity
United we Stand ~ Divided they Die

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I Peter 2:2, 3   Thought/Prayer:  Gulp a Big Glass.  Topics:  2 at end.

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Pro-Life ~  Love the unborn babies


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A Day for Prayer   March 27, 2011

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Scriptures for the Week of March 21 – 25, 2011

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Calls for life & Letters for life

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Senate Approves Two Pro-life Backed Bills

Regardless, a couple measure that pro-life groups have backed got a green light from the Senate yesterday. I say that these bills are backed by pro-life group rather than that they are pro-life bills because in reality both these bills have more to do with patient safety rather than limiting abortions. Rather than prohibiting if abortions can be performed at all (which of course would be ruled unconstitutional,) they both seek to require abortions in Arkansas to follow stricter guidelines in how they are performed.

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Pro-Lifer’s Wanting Planned Parenthood De-Funded

Sen. Chuck Schumer, the top Senate Democrat interfacing with the media on the media on budget negotiations, says House and Senate leaders are close to getting a final agreement. But pro-life groups hope the agreement includes language de-funding Planned Parenthood.
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Posted by News Hound

I Peter 2:2   Thought/Prayer:  The Sometimes Surprise of Growth.  Topics:  2 at end.

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Philemon 1:22   Thought/Prayer:  A Room Readied.  Topics:  2 at end.

“At the same time, prepare a guest room for me, for I am hoping that through your prayers I will be graciously given to you.” English Standard Version (ESV) Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved." (Read this scripture and more at http://prayerpivot.com.)

The apostle Paul writes to his great friend and Christian brother to prepare a guest room. This guest room will be used by Paul when he visits Philemon at some time. It’s apparent here that Paul does not have specific plans to come to see Philemon, but rather he tells this Christian brother that he is hopeful that through the prayers of those with Philemon, he will be able to come and visit, thus needing a guest room in which to sleep.

Planning ahead through prayer. Interesting concept. Paul does not say that Philemon should think about a guest room – Paul tells him to ready it. In essence, “Get it ready for use! I’m prayin’. And I’m hopin’ God will agree with me and send me to use that room that’s already readied for me.”

So how are we in the pro-life cause trusting that our prayers will be answered? Should we be as confident as Paul, in asking? Should we assume that we can picture in advance how they will be answered?

If we don’t have a mental picture of results in answered prayer (Paul might have in mind what this readied room would look like), perhaps our hearts can do it for us. Hearts of trust. Hearts that trust as a child trusts a good father to answer requests. Hearts that know a father well enough to be able to ask in confidence, knowing that the Heavenly Father is a very good father.

Dear hearts that labor for babies, children, grandparents, centenarians and more, do trust. Don’t hesitate to ask. Don’t hesitate – just picture the prayer answered, and pray. Lord, we ask to be in Your will enough to be able to picture the answers to our prayers like a room readied ahead of time for the guest.

Topics: Pray for a faith that trusts enough to picture ahead the answers to prayer.
40 Days for Life

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Pregnancy Center in New York City broken into and destroyed

NEW YORK, NY, March 23, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Yesterday a pregnancy care center in New York City across from the Planned Parenthood clinic in the South Bronx was “virtually destroyed” after it was broken into, apparently by burglars.
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2 Corinthians 6:3-10 (Pt. 3)  Thought/Prayer:  He Has Riches. We are Rich.  Topics:  2 at end.

“We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; through honor and dishonor, through slander and praise. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything. English Standard Version (ESV) Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved." (Read this scripture and more at http://prayerpivot.com.)

How can we have nothing and yet possess everything? It seems an incorrect equation: Nothing equals everything. Really? Well, in our natural world, this seems to be such a contradiction. But we know that our God is not confined to this world (If He created it, he cannot be confined to it.). And because He is not confined to Earth, He must have thoughts waaaaay beyond Earth and its confines: waaaaay beyond us. And so we accept as true, His truisms that seem to confound us. So we accept that though we have nothing, we possess everything.

This must be seen in the spiritual realm, with spiritual eyes and understanding. We may have absolutely nothing of material possessions. And yet our possessions as Christians are like pile upon pile, mountain upon mountain of golden coins to the ceiling of a king’s counting-house. The love of the Savior counts totally for everything. We are rich in Him and in His gifts to us.

Out of gratitude, we must use these riches of love, to His glory. We can do so by sharing His love with families undergoing tragedy or extreme problems with pregnancies. We who are rich in Him, while sharing Him with others who feel themselves poor because of difficult circumstances, may turn the tide toward LIFE no matter what the unique and wrenching circumstance.

Lord, help us to be always willing and available to share You and Your riches of love with all with whom we speak. Help us to share Your riches everywhere we go.

Topics: Pray for the right words to families in crisis when we share with them the riches of our Lord.
King for America (Dr. Alveda King)

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Teen Defenders Endorsements

"As the brother of the beloved Terri Schiavo I endorse Teen Defenders. We must stand together to defend the value and dignity of all human life, despite the laws that allow the killing of our most vulnerable. I strongly urge you to support Teen Defenders as they begin the start to the end."

- Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo


"For this legal massacre called "abortion" to end and for the pro-life movement to be triumphant, it must be the youth of today that takes charge and stand up. Teen Defenders is an exceptional organization governed by teenagers to mobilize and motivate the youth of today. As a woman who has been on both sides of the fence, I fully support Teen Defenders work and urge you to do the same!"

- Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life and author of UnPlanned


"Teen Defenders is doing such a great job of defending the lives of the unborn. May God bless the wonderful work these young men and women or doing to help bring an end to abortion."

- Dr. Alveda C King, Priest for Life Pastoral Associate and Founder of King for America.

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